¡ Nikonos 5pin connector equipped D-2000W / D-2000Wn is released
We are pleased to announce the higher-end models gD-2000Wh and gD-2000Wnh
compatible with connections to a wide range of camera systems, equipped
with a Nikonos 5 pin-type electrical connector along with the
sophisticated features of INON gD-2000.h
EUnderwater gS-TTLh Automatic Strobe Light gD-2000Wh
Scheduled released date: October 26th, 2005
EUnderwater gS-TTLh Automatic Strobe Light gD-2000Wnh
Release date to be announced
"D-2000W"/"D-2000Wn" Product Image
[Left: Front of each strobe; Center: gD-2000Wh control panel; Right:
gD-2000Wnh control panel]
Main features of the product [focusing mainly on differences compared to
œ Connectable to electric cable camera systems
All of the next generation features of the conventional model,w
xare inherited on top of the newly added conventional
Nikonos 5 pin-type electrical connector.
Connectable to conventional film camera systems or
digital camera systems that cannot emit light from the built-in strobe
using the conventional electric cable.
œ The best match for digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras, and also
flexibly corresponds to camera system upgrades.
With DSLR camera systems, under conventional gelectric cablehconnections,
greater flexibility in lighting is achieved by geExternal Autof control
mode that allows 24 steps of fine adjustments in 1/4 EV increments or
eManualf mode that allows adjustment of light output in 13 steps in 1/2 EV
When future upgrades of the camera system allows gOptical D cableh
connection, gFully Automatic Shooting using the
'S-TTL Auto' control mode is available.
D-2000W/D-2000Wn offers flexible system configuration
through 2-WAY connection of gElectrich / gOptical.h
œ New light control system, 'Manual + TTL Auto'
Enables to manually setting maximum light output of TTL auto control to
compensate for weakness of TTL auto control. Benefits you to greatly
decrease overexposure, and markedly increase the ratio of the shots you
can actually guseh
by preventing TTL error or improper manual settings.
œ Two models available depending on your style of shooting
===y D-2000W z===
D-2000W offers simple operation and reasonable price, by simplifying its
selectability of light control mode underwater to practically suitable
combinations (*1) under gElectric Cableh connection. [When connected using
gOptical Cableh and on land, switching between all available light control
modes is available]
Recommended for DSLR camera users as well as the
majority of film camera users..
===y D-2000Wn z===
This model allows switching underwater between all light control modes
(*2) compatible with the camera system. We recommend this only for film
camera users
who switch between [Manual + TTL auto] control and [Manual]
mode during a single dive.
When D-2000W is used with gElectric Cable Connectionh, switching
underwater is only possible for only one of the following combinations:
geTTL autof control and eManual + TTL Autof controlh [Compatible with film
camera systems that are compatible with TTL auto control] or geExternal
Autof control and eManualfh [Compatible with digital camera systems that
do not allow the use of TTL auto control]. Switching the light control
mode other than the above-mentioned combinations is not possible
underwater and has to be changed on land.
When using gOptical D Cable Connectionh gOptical Cable Connection,h or
gOptical D Slave Cable Connection,h there is no limitation of switching
between all light control modes available to the camera system underwater.
For connecting to some camera systems using gElectric Cable,h the
combination of light control modes underwater will be limited, and setting
changes have to be done on land.
Please refer to the related pages listed below for product specifications
and other details regarding gD-2000W/Wn.h
œ gDigital Camera compatible S-TTL Automatic Strobe Light D-2000W/Wnh
œ "Operation details for 'Manual + TTL auto'"
October 25th, 2005